I was born in Moscow in 1983, and since my childhood I have expressed great interest in cinema. At the age of 10, I got my hands on a video camera and I was totally blown away by the opportunity to create my own motion pictures. I started shooting amateur films with my school friends. When the time to choose my future profession came, it became clear that I had passion only for making films. So my hobby became my profession, and this is a great joy that I wish everyone to experience.

I entered the VGIK (All–Russian State Institute of Cinematography) Film School, Department of Cinematography - I was fascinated by this profession’s unique fusion of art and creativity, technique and technology,and one cannot exsist without the other here. This profession is the most 'cinematic' of all film specialties, because it is the cinematographer who is the key link in the creation of the film, in the transformation of the script into a visual form.
For me, cinema is primarily a visual art, destined to 'show', rather than to 'tell', and for me there is no greater joy than helping talented filmmakers to visualize their ideas, looking for the very right solution in each specific story, avoiding 'time-tested recipes', and each time working from a scratch.
I also speak English, Spanish and French.
I am a member of RGC (Russian Guild of Cinematographers) and IMAGO (International Federation of Cinematographers)
All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography
Я – член RGC, Российской Гильдии Кинооператоров и IMAGO
Европейской Ассоциации Кинооператоров.
Я – член RGC, Российской Гильдии Кинооператоров и IMAGO, Европейской Ассоциации Кинооператоров.
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